
Sorry, but I am not accepting any new work at this time.


If you would like to send your gun in for work, please contact me before placing an order.  
This will allow both of us a chance to figure out what level of service is best for you, and it gives me a chance to give you an accurate turn around time.  I may ask you to wait a week or two, so I can clear up other guns before you send yours in.  
You can send it early if you choose, but I won't be able to get started on it right away.
One of my pet peeves is guys that take massive amounts of work, then have to fend off their customers for weeks, or months until they can dig themselves out, if they ever dig themselves out at all.  I don't want to be that guy.  I take my turn around predictions seriously, and do everything I can to meet them.
That's not to say that life doesn't happen, and that I haven't been late returning some guns, but it's by a week or two, not months or years.

I understand the level of trust that is required to send in a gun, so I take it very seriously.  You can expect updates on the progress of your gun as it goes.  I tend to work on a gun for an hour or two, then move to another one for a while.  This gives me a mental break and allows me to focus on one small aspect of a rebuild at a time.  I have found that's the best way for me to be able to deliver the level or work I expect from myself.  

That means you will be getting small updates over time, "It's pulled apart", "The regs are rebuilt" etc.  If I run into an issue, I will let you know as soon as I do.  That doesn't mean that the issue can't be solved, it's just an observation.  If you get an e-mail saying "Rebuilt the inline, it's still creeping", that doesn't mean your reg is toast, that means I rebuilt it, it's still creeping, and I got irked by that, so I put it aside for now, and will address it the next time I work on your gun.   If there's a problem I can't solve without an additional charge for parts, I will contact you first, and we can move on from there.  I hate giving people the "Oh, and then there was X amount of money you owe because I forgot to tell you."  I have had it done to me with my car, and it drove me nuts, so I refuse to do it to other people.

Once you have decided on the level of service, please place your order, and use that information to  fill out this shipping form.  This is very important, because it is how I track your order, how I make sure all of the items you send in get sent back, and to make sure I am meeting my deadlines.

All of the service levels will have a $35 return shipping charge.  
That's not what you will end up paying for shipping.  I don't pad the shipping charges.  You pay what it cost me to return the gear, that's it.
In the past, I packed up guns, took them to the post office, and got a shipping quote.  Then I would take the gun back, let the customer know how much the shipping would be, wait for the payment, then go back to the Post Office, and ship the gun.  
That means twice as many trips to the Post Office, and that much longer of a delay in getting your gear back to you.
Now, you pay the $35 when you place the order, and I will refund any over payment once it's shipped.  I know it adds to the sticker shock of checking out, but it will make everyone's (meaning mine) life a lot easier, and get peoples gear back to them a few days quicker.
The final shipping charge will be determined by the weight of the package, the distance, and the insurance added.  $35 will cover the cost of 95% of the guns I ship (one gun with $600 insurance).  
If your package ends up costing a little over, I'll ship it, and trust you to cover the overage with the Misc Item charge.  
If it ends up costing substantially more, I'll have to ask you to cover the overage before I ship it.

For a woefully incomplete gallery of the guns that have gone through my shop, click here.  Sometimes I remember to take pictures of them before I pack them up, a lot of times I don't.

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